My Home in France

Revised in 2022


October 2002, the first week!

When we arrived the grass and weeds were much the same as we had seen in August. Our fist task was to clean the house and make it habitable we were used to camping so this was not to bad. We did not have full plumbing we had water and electric we had camping equipment for tea and eating, the weather was like a cool English summer with temperatures around 21 degrees.

The plumbing had been disconnected or split apart from frost, it was clear that nobody had lived in the house for a while. French copper pipe is not annealed so it is very difficult to solder the French tend to use a brazing set, nowadays they use plastic or push fit.

Once we had established our selves inside we treated the garden to a minor makeover.

A little cluttered but it is home and ready for Christmas, the heating works so come December we will be on our way back out for a fortnight.

The gates had been modified by the previous owners. They had never been fitted as they found the existing gate post style could not take the weight.

The hole was dug out on Christmas Eve, the hardcore and cement purchased on Boxing Day as this is not a holiday in France and all the shops are open as normal.

First some beds: notice the old French bed we found in the outbuilding, the single beds were purchased from 'BUT' in Chateauroux.

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Last modified: 17/05/2024

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